Tuesday, June 10, 2008


dear bloggers,
love runescape? well I bet you do.Oh yeah you should try bring a member its lots of fun ok.well you should try training on strong hold located in barbarien village.I know this is a short message but I got to go bye!

coing good?

dear bloggers,

coing good?

dear bloggers,

coing good?

dear bloggers,

Sunday, June 1, 2008

whats Up?

Welcome Runescape Player if u havent seen my first one read that one first then read this one.If u have try runescape it gets more fun and addicting and your parents keep on telling u to get the hell off its anoying I no its happens to me every day now so I am buying a laptop. if u r a mem and you want to get your smithing up lvl go to barainen village and mine some coal because theres no1 there! In the flodor party room there r drop partys I have been in a drop party and got 6 mill!!!!!:-) so get to a crowded world and go do a drop party and Ps. U dont have to drop anything kk.

Good luck poping balloons in a drop paty!!!:-)


Welcome All Bloggers,
This is my blog all about Runescape. My User Name on Runescape is Kitty30100 and I am a member lvl 65. If you play Runescape tell me your user name and tell me what lvl u r. If you r a low lvl member ranger and u want a good ranging lvl go to wildy and then kill dragon but don't go in the pit attack them out of the pit so they cant attack you because they can hit 30's on you. But if u r a mage of any lvl go to the fist of Guthix located in the wilderness because u don't have to use your runes,but you have to go to a fist of guthix world and if you can find it go to bounty hunter then log out and go to world select and scroll down till you see fist of guthix beside the world. But if your a fighter train on lvl 56 cockroaches they r located in a house were all of these students all writing things when u r there go down stairs and look for a dudgeon(! mark) peal of the poster and u will see lvl 6 muggers but then there will be lvl 8's,then go down stairs and u will find lvl 56 cockroaches, but if u r a higher lvl go on and u will find lvl 83's kk.

Good Luck!